people of the internet!
I love to get
inspired by everything and especially like to get inspired on what to wear! So
in this blog post i will talk about what websites i use to get inspired.
The first
one is pinterest.com you all probably know about this website but then you'll
also know how amazing it is. It's a website where you can look at pictures (quotes,
cloth, animals) and then you can either "like" them or make folders
for them like this:
It is just a really easy and good way/website to get both outfits, recipe and life inspiration.
The second website is polyvore.com and it's only for cloth. There is two main ways to use it
and the first one is just simply looking at cloth that is on sale. I find that easiest
when I'm on my phone - then it looks like this:
The second
way to do it is to make/look at collages like this one:
it is possible to like both collages and clothing items.
You can follow me on pintrest here and polyvore here.
You can follow me on pintrest here and polyvore here.
Hope you like this blog post - have a nice day!
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